Who makes the QRM to pirate stations on 48 mb?

Updated and augmented : 12th of May 2020

Here are results of an attempt to gather information on utility and BC signals which are interfering with free broadcasters on 48 meter band from time to time. I didn't adopt the goal to mention ALL the stations between 6200 and 6500 kHz in this table, here are mostly that signals, which are currently active and audible good and regularly in Europe.

Some of the stations can be find in public frequency bases, but all the lists are incomplete, obsolete or have numerous errors, so I managed to find or verify some of their locations using TDoA. The new TDoA technique, available on Kiwi SDRs network, lets to find approximate coordinates of radio signal sources by times of arrival difference for several used SDRs. However, one have to remember: TDoA can be wrong sometimes.

UNIDs, presumed locations and inexact frequencies are written by italics. Any corrections and additions are greatly welcome.

QRG Type Modulation / protocol
ITU Station
6200.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice PBS Xizang, Lhasa-Baiding, China
6200.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice CNR 11, Lhasa-Baiding, China
6200.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice Voice of Jinling, Nanjing, China
6203.8 kHz UNID UNID (GM2100 HF Modem?) UNID, Turkey?
6204.0 kHz Military UTE OOK, Morse / FSK, CIS-36-50? 404 RIT, Severomorsk, russia
6210.2 kHz BC station AM, Voice Radio Kahuzi, Bukavu, D.R. Congo
6215.0 kHz Number station AM, Voice V24 Number station
6218.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 NSS, Napoli? Italy
6223.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 IDR? Rome, Italy
6230.0 kHz Maritime UTE USB, Voice VMW, Wiluna, Australia
6230.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice Sound of Hope, Taipei, Taiwan
6230.0 kHz Jammer AM, Voice CNR1 jammer, China
6234.0 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 TBB or TBO? Turkey
6234.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 British military, Akrotiri, Cyprus?
6240.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice TWR, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
6243.0 kHz Military UTE PSK, Link-11 UNID, Italy?
6244.0 kHz Military UTE FSK, CIS-36-50? ??? UNID, Syria?
6245.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice Echo of Hope, Goyang, S. Korea
6245.0 kHz Jammer Noise Jammer, Kujang, North Korea
6245.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice Echo of Unification, Pyongyang, N. Korea
6249.5 kHz Military UTE QPSK XSL Slot Machine, Ichihara, Japan
6250.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice Echo of Hope, Goyang, S. Korea
6250.0 kHz Jammer Noise Jammer, Kujang, North Korea
6250.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice Echo of Unification, Pyongyang, N. Korea
6255.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice Echo of Hope, Goyang, S. Korea
6255.0 kHz Jammer Noise Jammer, Kujang, North Korea
6255.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice Echo of Unification, Pyongyang, N. Korea
6257.0 kHz Military UTE FSK, CIS-36-50? UNID (occupation troops), Ukraine
6267.0 kHz UNID FSK ??? UNID, Nigeria?
6270.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice
Iran International TV, Gavar, Armenia
6280.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice Sound of Hope, Taipei, Taiwan
6280.0 kHz Jammer AM, Voice CNR1 jammer, China
6282.0 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 JWT?, Stavanger, Norway
6295.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 IDN? Napoli, Italy
6304.0 kHz Number station USB, Voice ??? E11 Number station
6310.0 kHz Number station AM, Voice V24 Number station
6312.0 kHz Maritime UTE FSK, GMDSS DSC
Various ship and coastal stations
6314.0 kHz Maritime UTE FSK, SITOR-B NMF NAVTEX, Boston, USA
6319.0 kHz Military UTE FSK, CIS-36-50? 404 RIT? Severomorsk, russia
6321.5 kHz Maritime UTE OOK, Morse / FSK, SITOR SVO, Agia Paraskevi, Greece
6326.0 kHz Military UTE PSK, MIL-STD-188-110A-MOD 4XZ?, Haifa, Israel
6326.0 kHz Maritime UTE OOK, Morse / FSK, SITOR XSG, Shanghai, China
6328.0 kHz Military UTE FSK, CIS-36-50? 404 UNID, Severomorsk, russia?
6328.5 kHz Maritime UTE FM, Weather FAX 404 RBW41, Murmansk, russia
6330.0 kHz Military UTE FSK, CIS-36-50? ??? UNID, russia?
6332.0 kHz Military UTE PSK, CIS-12 404 UNID, Istra, russia?
6335.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 DHFCS, Inskip, U.K.
6340.5 kHz Maritime UTE FM, Weather FAX NMF, Boston, USA
6343.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 IDR? Rome, Italy
6346.0 kHz Military UTE FSK, CIS-36-50? 404 UNID, Severomorsk, russia?
6346.7 kHz UNID PSK, Pactor 2 FEC? UNID, Karachi, Pakistan?
6348.0 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 FUE, Brest, France
6350.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice Echo of Hope, Suwon-Osan, S. Korea
6350.0 kHz Jammer Noise Jammer, Kujang, North Korea
6352.3 kHz Military UTE PSK, CIS-12 404 UNID, Istra, russia?
6355.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice Echo of Hope, Suwon-Osan, S. Korea
6355.0 kHz Jammer Noise Jammer, Kujang, North Korea
6358.5 kHz Military UTE FSK, RTTY PBB, Den Helder, The Netherlands
6367.3 kHz Military UTE FSK UNID, France?
6369.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 DHFCS, Inskip, U.K.
6370.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice Sound of Hope, Taipei, Taiwan
6370.0 kHz Jammer AM, Voice CNR1 jammer, China
6383.0 kHz Military UTE FSK, Stanag-4481? NSY? Sigonella, Italy?
6384.7 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 CFH? Halifax, Canada
6391.0 kHz Military UTE OOK, Morse AQP, Karachi, Pakistan
6393.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 CFH? Halifax, Canada
6397.0 kHz Number station USB, Voice ??? E11 Number station
6400.0 kHz BC station AM, Voice PBS Pyongyang Pansong, Kanggye, N. Korea
6400.0 kHz Number station AM, Voice V15 Number station, Kanggye, N. Korea
6403.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 PJK?, Suffisant, Curaçao?
6406.0 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 FUE, Brest, France
6408.7 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 IDR, Rome, Italy
6412.7 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 DHFCS, Crimond, U.K.
6416.0 kHz Military UTE FSK, CIS-36-50? 404 RIT? Severomorsk, russia
6416.5 kHz Military UTE QPSK XSL Slot Machine, Ichihara, Japan
6423.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 CFH, Halifax, Canada
6429.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 JWT? Stavanger, Norway
6430.0 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 FUG? La Regine, France
6431.8 kHz Military UTE FSK FUG? La Regine, France
6433.0 kHz Number station USB, Voice ??? S11a Number station
6439.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 OSN? Zeebrugge, Belgium?
6444.5 kHz Military UTE QPSK XSL Slot Machine, Ichihara, Japan
6447.7 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 CFH? Halifax, Canada?
6452.0 kHz Military UTE PSK, CIS-12 UNID (occupation troops), Ukraine
6456.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 EBA, Madrid, Spain
6460.0 kHz Military UTE PSK, CIS-12 404 UNID, russia?
6463.0 kHz Military UTE PSK, CIS-12 UNID (occupation troops), Ukraine
6473.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 UNID, Greece?
6477.0 kHz Military UTE PSK, CIS-12 UNID (occupation troops), Ukraine
6480.0 kHz Number station USB, Voice ??? E11 Number station
6483.2 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 SXJ? Kriti, Greece
6485.0 kHz Military UTE PSK, Link-11 ??? UNID
6487.0 kHz Military UTE FSK, Stanag-4481 AFA/NSS, Davidsonville, USA
6491.6 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 EBA, Madrid, Spain
6498.1 kHz Military UTE PSK, Stanag-4285 PBC, Goeree Island, The Netherlands


  1. A very useful study for this segment of the HF band. Thank you !!!
    Kris PL

  2. Thanks for this - really interesting. In fact, I have found out that one of these is only a few miles away from my QTH.

    1. You are welcome. Thank you for the comment! This list actually needs some updates, because utility stations are changing frequencies at times.
