Next month it’s RWI 34th birthday on the
air under the callsign of WCS we will be alternatively on 48mb around
6235khz & 26mb on 11401khz and via Radio Channel 292 on Saturday
morning visit Radio channel 292 website for update and time table. Every
weekend a special QSL card will be available. Don’t hesitate to forward
this message. Thanks for your countinuous support.
Peter HILLS & Philippe
Peter HILLS & Philippe
You can visit us at : http://www.wrwi.fr
Radio Waves International since November
1983 on shortwaves 34 years on the airwaves with 27 year of country
music Every satuday on 6070khz via Radio Channel 292 from 07.00 to
08.00utc or on the web via www.channel292.de
BP 130
92504 RUEIL Cedex
for UPS or Fedex ask us an alternative postal adress.
“the terrible twins”
Philippe & Peter HILLS
“the terrible twins”
Philippe & Peter HILLS